Category: Ice Hockey Drills
Double 2v2 with cross Drill – Hockey Resource
This drill is intended to practice 2v2 situations for both offense and defense. It is also a good conditioning drill for defensemen. Have the forwards line up in each corner at one end of the rink. Pucks should be placed in one corner as well as in the neutral zone on the opposite side of…
Goalie Drill – Position Recovery – Hockey Resource
This drill will help the goaltender recover, recognize and react from situations where they are out of position. Have the goaltender start in their crease laying on their back (alternate head facing forward and facing backward). The shooter should be at the mid-top of circle level but should move around while the goaltender is on…
Goalie Drill – Screen Shot – Hockey Resource
This drill will prepare the goaltender for situations where he is screened by another player. A shooter is positionned at the top of the slot with a second shooter screening the goaltender just outside the crease. The goaltender must gain vision of the puck by either looking through the screen’s legs, or to either side…
Goalie Drill – Low Glove Blocker – Hockey Resource
This drill will practice the goaltender’s basic puck stopping skills and preparing for high rebounds after a low shot. It will also practice stopping high shots when the goaltender is in a butterfly/half-butterfly. The goaltender starts at the top of their crease with the shooter in the high slot. The shooter first shoots a low…
Goalie Drill – Shuffle random shot – Hockey Resource
This drill is used to practise goaltender reaction time, shuffling and proper positioning. Spread multiple pucks in a line near the top of the circles. A shooter starts at one end of the line and skates across. The goaltender follows him by shuffling and maintaining proper position (covering his angles). The shooter may decide to…
Goalie Drill – Freeze Pucks – Hockey Resource
This drill will help the goaltender with their reaction time and using proper technique to freeze and protect the puck. Lay out some pucks in no particular order around the crease. The goaltender starts deep in their net. The coach points to a puck which the goaltender must immediately move towards and freeze. Note: The…
Goalie Drill – Wrap around + Walk in – Hockey Resource
This drill is intended to practise positioning for wrap arounds or walk-ins from behind the net. The goaltender will have to be in the proper position to stop the wrap around while being able to move and properly stop a walk in. The shooter starts behind the net with a puck. The goaltender should be…
Goalie Drill – poke check one timer pass – Hockey Resource
This drill will help the goaltender with his poke checks, desperate saves as well as passing. Set up five pucks around the crease as shown below ( one at the centre of the ice, two at the bottom of each circle, and two behind the net). A shooter should be positionned near each circle face-off…
Goalie Drill – Cone to cone skating – Hockey Resource
This drill practices goalie lateral mobility (t-pushes, shuffling), hybrid slides, butterfly slides and getting up using the correct leg for the situation. While the core mobility can be covered with the box or triangle drills, it extends the length and changes the path so the goalie does not get bored with practicing the core mobility skills.…
Goalie Drill – Basic Skating – Hockey Resource
This drill will help goaltenders improve their skating skills. Forward and backward telescoping, shuffling and t-pushes. It is a very good drill to learn or improve the basic skating skills of a goaltender. This drill is done with the goaltender in his basic stance throughout. The goaltender starts in his crease and T-pushes until he…