Book Notes – Godin – Tribes

While this book seems to try and inspire ones to lead tribes with various examples, anectdotes and information, it seems to miss the mark in terms of depth. It is similar to Start with Why by Sinek, but lacks the depth and analysis.

Explains the concept of tribes, or people with similar interest and viewpoints.

With the internet, the amount and size of tribes has expanded due to the rapid and easy communication between people. Each tribe needs a leader.

Leaders increase effectiveness of tribe by transforming shared interest in goals and desire for change

Providing tools to improve communication

Allow tribe to grow and gain new members

Must challenge the status quo to win/improve

Initiative leads to happiness

Fear is the biggest challenge to overcome

Where there is discomfort, there is room for a leader

3 options – lean in, back off or do nothing. Doing nothing is not the right choice!

6 principles to creating a movement

Publish a manifesto, make it easy for followers to connect with you, make it easy for them to connect to one another, money is not the point, track progress.





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