C.A.R.E loop -> Connect, Achieve, Respect, Empower
Platform (You)
- Take charge of the conversations between head and heart, many give up without trying or when faced with adversity. What is your goals/dreams, how much do you want it, is it worth the sacrifices/risks?
- Where you put your focus will determine your actions
- Keep your focus when others tell you it’s not possible & inspire others to do the same
- We can control our focus, our feelings and what we do (act)
- Brains programmed to self-preservation, energy conservation, influence by chemicals (sleep, nutrition, exercise)
- Outcomes account -> negatives and positives of goal 1. Outcomes 2. Impact, 3. Feel
- Build teams with complementary skillsets
- Assess via triangulation 3 people from different areas ask them “if I was going to save your life doing one thing I am best at, what would it be?” (verb not noun) see what is common in answers you get back.
- Commitment/going all in and diverse backgrounds, beats experience
- Traits must have 1. competence, 2. Perspective, 3. Communication, 4.Drive, 5. Humility, 6. Flexibility, 7. Selflessness
- Success depends on ability to build human relationships
- Most people are not engaged at work, and don’t feel cared for
- Connection build through -> 1. Communication, 2. Credibility, 3. commitment
- Find ways to see beyond visible and surpass limitations
- 5 As -> Aspire, Assume, Assure, Appreciate
- Everyone participate in the planning process, taking ownership and commit
- 3Rs -> Realize, recognize, require
- Environment where everyone shares what they learned and feel responsible to coach and support each other
- Education -> Leapfrogging(informal lessons learned, updates); Externality (formal training); On the job training (approach by doing mentoring/coaching)
Activate the 10x advantage
- Serve someone, listen to what they need and deliver it.
- Relationships with not just the team but external relationships (two-way relationships), strive to make them succeed as well (not just clients but others as well
- 5 phases to unstoppable team
- Connected group
- Directed group (focus on goals)
- Respected team (connection to eachother, investment)
- Empowered (decision making to team)
- Unstoppable! (reach outside the team with CARE loop)
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