This trip was back to the Awakamenj Mino scout camp to help break in the trails for the winter. We also introduced CC to winter camping.

A little messing around before we started in the car. We hiked in, set up camp quickly (those of us who were staying overnight) and headed off on the trails. If I remember correctly we basically just set up a tarp lean-to for the night.
We were breaking in the trails for the season but there was not a huge amount of snow so it was not too difficult. Ate a late lunch on the trail and re-explored the best way to get stuck on a fallen branch when you are wearing snowshoes. (They obey gravity and flip down making it that much harder to get over).

After spending the day travelling the trails, and meeting a few other volunteers on the way, we headed back to camp for the night.
The next morning, we packed our things and snowshoed/skied out, short and sweet.

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