Trip Report – 18 Sept 2021 – Petite-Nation @3.3m3/s

Another trip down the Petite-Nation after our July and August trips. This trip down was late in the season (Sept 18 2021) so the water level was quite low (3.3m/s3), we weren’t sure the river was runnable. (Gibe, Burg, Seb, Jim)

The first rapids were once again unrunnable due to a tree blocking the path but so we roped down to begin just after.

The rapid had a somewhat technical section that required a rapid S curve with not too much margin for error. We all managed to navigate it, some smoother than others.

Canoe Rivière Petite-Nation RIII après chute du portage, 18 Sep 2021, 3.3m3/s bodycam view
Sunshine helmet cam (sorry I had the wrong mount 🙁 ) Burg is at the back

We decided to portage back up and re-run the rapids as this is typically the best section (and the portage trail is clear and fairly easy)

Canoe Petite-Nation Sept 18th 2021 RIII après Chute du Portage vue raprochée - 3.3m3/s - Class III
Sunshine & Burg with close call on the rocks!
Canoe Petite-Nation Sep 18th 2021, RIII après chute du portage, 3.3m3/s - Class III
Gibe & Seb doing well and then smacking the rock!

The next rapids were fairly straighforward and fun

Canoe Petite-Nation RII 2e après la chute du portage - 18 Sept 2021, 3.3m3/s - Class II rapid
Sunshine helmet cam – Burg at the back

Portes de l’enfer was next. After scouting the rapid, Gibe and Seb set out first navigating the first section well. However, they were in for a bit of a surprise, hidden at the edge of the haystacks after one section was a rock we had not spotted on our scouting (and essentially impossible to see when running). Thankfully we have royalex canoes 🙂

Canoe Petite-Nation Portes de l'enfer, 18 Sept 2021 3.3m3/s vue de la rive -Belle roche! Class III
Gibe and Seb hit the hidden rock hard!
Canoe Petite-Nation Portes de l'enfer - 18 Sept 2021, 3.3m3/s bodycam (stabilized) - Class III rapid
Of course Sunshine & Burg did not hit the rock

Clearly the “more skilled” canoe knew exactly how to avoid the rock due to excellent scouting (or you know, going 2nd).

Surprisingly, we didn’t have too much trouble in the more shallow section, less so than at slightly higher water level for some reason.

We dragged the canoes back up to the car, one group undid the gear while the other went to get the other car. Overall another great day on the river.

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3 Responses to “Trip Report – 18 Sept 2021 – Petite-Nation @3.3m3/s”

  1. […] such a relief after not having done much canoeing that we headed back to this river in August and September before the end of the […]

  2. […] delicious pizza and a couple beers. We did end up returning to this river later in the season ( September ) for one final run that […]

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