Book Notes – The one minute manager builds high performing teams – Blanchard

The one minute manager builds high performing teams - book by Ken Blanchard
The one minute manager builds high performing teams – book by Ken Blanchard

To perform, teams need to collaborate and communicate, be aligned towards the same goal.

Characteristics (PERFORM)

  • Purpose and Values
  • Empowerment
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Flexibility
  • Optimal Performance
  • Recognition and Appreciation
  • Morale

Vision is essential to create a common purpose and point the team in the right direction

Observe in groups

  • Communication and participation
  • Decision making
  • Conflict
  • Leadership
  • Goals and roles
  • Group norms
  • Problem solving
  • Group climate
  • Individual behaviour

Stages of groups

  1. Orientation
    1. Everything is new, need to agree on goals, roles, strategies, communication, decisions, each other
  2. Dissatisfaction
    1. Confusion and frustration around goals, deliverables, roles etc.
    2. Need to clarify bigger picture and confirm goals etc.
  3. Integration
    1. Growing clarity, better integration of goals, roles etc. building relationships and communication
  4. Production
    1. Clarity in most items, flexibility, autonomy continuous improvement, celebration of contributions

Leadership styles – adjust to provide the group what it needs (typically stages align with styles)

  1. Directing
  2. Coaching
  3. Supporting
  4. Delegating

Leader needs to share control





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