Goalie Skating Drill – The Triangle – Hockey Resource

This warmup drill is good to practice the T-push and shuffle. It can also be modified to practice the hybrid slide. This drill is a very good way to practice the skating basics before attempting more advanced drills.

The goaltender starts from the post and T-pushes or shuffles to the top of the crease. He then T-pushes or shuffles back to the opposite post and repeats the drill in reverse.

Ensure the goalie stops with the opposite leg that was used to push off. The goalie must also be in the correct position at each post simulating that the puck is in the corner.

animation of ice hockey goalie warmup skating drill - the triangle
animation of ice hockey goalie warmup skating drill – the triangle

Full path:

skating path of ice hockey goalie warmup skating drill - the triangle
skating path of ice hockey goalie warmup skating drill – the triangle


  • A cone can be placed at the top of the crease to indicate where the goaltender must stop. This can be used to increase the distance travelled.
  • A shot can be fired when the goaltender reaches the top of the crease
  • The goaltender can be instructed to fall into the butterfly position when he reaches the top of the crease
  • To practice the hybride slide, the goaltender can run the entire drill while in the butterfly position
  • The goaltender can also use a butterfly slide for this drill

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